One of the reasons why Greedy gujju domain fraudster stock broker R&AW employee amita patel, has continued with her domain ownership fraud for 8 years, is because she has excellent flirting skills, is an expert in seducing powerful men, has many powerful sugar daddies in government agencies like the mhow monster ntro employee puneet
Though the greedy gujju cheater amita patel has not paid for any domain till 2019, because she is an expert in massaging the ego of powerful men, wearing plenty of makeup and modulating her voice, the top ntro/raw/cbi employees expose their lack of professionalism, blindly believing all her lies, to waste indian taxpayer money
So though the government agencies are making fake claims about Greedy gujju domain fraudster stock broker R&AW employee amita patel, people should be aware that they are doing so only because amita patel has SEDUCED top officials